Relief – Development – Decent life


Activities directed to children/youth/women/societ...


Awareness is carried out on different topics, the ...

Case Management

A service provided to individuals registered with ...

Child Friendly Spaces

A safe environment for the child through which he ...

Community Initiatives

Funding for community initiatives is obtained from...

Dialogue sessions - a safe space for dialogue

Creating a safe space based on dialogue, citizensh...


The distribution is carried out in different progr...

Psychosocial Support

A safe space in which programs, initiatives, or su...

Supporting Community Initiatives

It is for community groups between the ages of 18 ...

Women's Empowerment

Women are empowered psychologically, intellectuall...


Activities directed to children/youth/women/society And it is built to reach a goal. Activities have an important role in supporting and mitigating violence and enhancing community cohesion. Getting to know the other...


Awareness is carried out on different topics, the aim of which is to eliminate ignorance and reduce risks, and to raise awareness in several ways, including through social media and group sessions. enhance social cohesion, and build bridges of civil peace....

Case Management

A service provided to individuals registered with the association to meet their non-existent needs and to communicate with partner agencies that have the capabilities to provide this service...

Child Friendly Spaces

A safe environment for the child through which he can participate in play, build social relationships, develop his abilities and rebuild their personalities.....

Community Initiatives

Funding for community initiatives is obtained from after special trainings. The aim of the initiatives is to address social problems, identify differences, build community communication networks, enhance social cohesion, and build bridges of civil peace....

Dialogue sessions - a safe space for dialogue

Creating a safe space based on dialogue, citizenship, tolerance and acceptance of the other to reduce violence and build bridges of peace....


The distribution is carried out in different programs subject to criteria specific to each program. Aid is provided to the affected families who are in dire need of this service...

Psychosocial Support

A safe space in which programs, initiatives, or support sessions are established to weigh the psychological aspect and immunize individuals from weakness or loss....

Supporting Community Initiatives

It is for community groups between the ages of 18 and 45, an opportunity to submit proposals for youth initiatives related to peace...

Women's Empowerment

Women are empowered psychologically, intellectually, socially and economically....