Adolescent Friendly Space

It is a fruit of the success of the Child-Friendly Spaces program “Balsam”, targeting adolescent. It provides opportunities for empowerment and raising awareness for this age group to encourage them to be creative and innovative.
Bridge forms a space for dialogue and discussion, in which they are introduced to social and participatory responsibility, build their capacities, and activate their societal roles, thus Qualifying them to become #peace leaders in society.
“Bridge” logo includes different colors to express diversity and differences. It has been shaped as a bridge to represent generational connections and transition from one stage to another.

First Session

We are pleased to announce the launch of the first session of the #Bridge2 program for adolescents, where the first session witnessed distinctive activities aimed at fostering connections and overcoming the shyness barrier. 25 young individuals came together to know each other in a comfortable and encouraging atmosphere. This contributed to integrating them into their …

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Board games

Board games encompass a diverse range of interactive games played with pieces placed, removed, or moved on a designated board, each governed by its own unique set of rules. These games may test mental acuity, rely on chance, or blend elements of both. The Bridge Team convened with the Board Games Knights Team for an …

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Evaluation session

The Bridge Youth Team conducted a thought-provoking dialogue and evaluation session focused on the personal growth and skills attainment . We also delved into the transformative impact of the Bridge program on their character.To commemorate this milestone, we came together in celebration, sharing moments of joy as we cut the cake to honor the successful …

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